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Calling Christians Worldwide to Return to the Creed of Jesus


2007-1 Welcome and Introduction be the first to rate this
by Ken Westby [19:58] download: audio

2007-2 The Trinity Defined and Refuted 4.5 of 5 (2 votes so far)
by Sean Finnegan [74:10] download: audio

2007-3 John the Odd Man Amoung the Evangelists 1 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by F. Paul Haney [54:47] download: audio

2007-4 Did Jesus Volunteer to be our Savior? 3 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Mel Hershberger [49:55] download: audio

2007-5 Christ the Firstborn Head of the Universe 5 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Nathan Crowder [78:23] download: audio

2007-6 Questions and Answers 2 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Robert Woodburn [40:10] download: audio

2007-7 Let Us Make Man... 5 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Sean Finnegan [42:55] download: audio

2007-8 Being Proud of Our God 5 of 5 (4 votes so far)
by Victor Gluckin [67:46] download: audio

2007-9 Elohim and THE Son of God 4 of 5 (3 votes so far)
by David Sielaff [127:47] download: audio
 (opposition speaker)

2007-10 Jesus, Son of God from Matthew and Luke 4 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Anthony Buzzard [77:44] download: audio

2007-11 From Oneness to One 5 of 5 (2 votes so far)
by J. Dan Gill [43:16] download: audio

2007-12 Did Christ Create the Cosmos 2 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Noel Rude [63:05] download: audio

2007-13 The Dual Deceits about God 4 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Ken Westby [71:42] download: audio

2007-14 The Nature of Jesus from the Synoptics 2.16667 of 5 (6 votes so far)
by Gary Fakhoury [60:46] download: audio

2007-15 Idolatry and Compassion 3 of 5 (1 vote so far)
by Vince Finnegan [52:41] download: audio

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useful definitions

While listening to these conferences you may come across certain words that you have not encountered before. Just as every field has its own technical jargon, so theology to has a distinctive set of words that are used in special ways. In order to aid you in understanding these lectures Ken Westby and Dixon Cartright have put together a brief collection of theological words and phrases.

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