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Calling Christians Worldwide to Return to the Creed of Jesus

God and Jesus: An Overview  [46:54]
by Sean Finnegan rated at 3.2 (13 votes so far)

The Bible teaches that Yahweh alone is the true God. Yahweh is a singular individual who created all things. Jesus is the human Messiah, virginally begotten and commissioned by God to rule the world. This brief overview of the two main individuals in the Bible clarifies the true identity of God and Jesus. To download the slide show that accompanies this sermon, click here.

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These books, written by people from diverse backgrounds, express the simple truth that God is one. Some of them are more scholary while others are more autobiographical. In addition, a few of them are available to read online. If you would like more in depth treatment of christian monotheism, these books are the next step to take. Note: if you know of other books, not listed here, please leave us feedback.

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A Christological Confession
by Anthony Buzzard [7 pages]
rated at 1.6 (out of 6 votes)

At a time when theological literature emphasizes a plurality of Christologies within the New Testament canon, we should not forget that, despite differences of emphasis, there is a common confession throughout all the New Testament documents which embeds itself in the statement that Jesus is the Messiah.

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