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Calling Christians Worldwide to Return to the Creed of Jesus

Echad  [48:45]
by Steve Katsaras rated at 1.6 (6 votes so far)

This teaching endeavors to uncover the usage of the Hebrew word Echad, translated in English, one. Echad has been greatly misunderstood, when the subject of how many God is - the most prevalent teaching that says the word Echad means a plurality in unity (a oneness). Echad has meant and will always mean numerically one - and this teaching goes to length to reveal the biblical data that fairly represents this truth. God is truly echad, a uni-personal being.

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These books, written by people from diverse backgrounds, express the simple truth that God is one. Some of them are more scholary while others are more autobiographical. In addition, a few of them are available to read online. If you would like more in depth treatment of christian monotheism, these books are the next step to take. Note: if you know of other books, not listed here, please leave us feedback.

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A Short Explanation to John 1.1, 14
by Sean Finnegan [1 page]
rated at 1 (out of 5 votes)

What is the word in John 1.1? This question is best answered by looking at the 42 books of the Bible which preceded the Gospel of John rather than reading later extra-biblical logos Christology into the Bible.

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