I Believe in the Holy Spirit [33:03]
by Jeff Fletcher rated at 1.0 (5 votes so far)
What exactly is the "Holy Spirit?" Is the Holy Spirit a ghost or something mystical, and why is the Holy Spirit important in a believer's life? Scripture references: Genesis 1:1,2; 1 Corinthians 2:4-12; Numbers 11:24-28; Joel 2:28,29; Luke 1:30-35; 3:21; John 7:37; Acts 1:8; Ephesians 1:13; Romans 8:1; Galatians 5:16-24
These books, written by people from diverse backgrounds, express the simple truth that God is one. Some of them are more scholary while others are more autobiographical. In addition, a few of them are available to read online. If you would like more in depth treatment of christian monotheism, these books are the next step to take. Note: if you know of other books, not listed here, please leave us feedback.
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A Very Short Explanation of John 20.28
by Sean Finnegan [<1 page]
rated at 1 (out of 5 votes)
Thomas calls Jesus "God" because he is God's supreme agent who represents God to us.