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Calling Christians Worldwide to Return to the Creed of Jesus

one God conferences

Sponsored by Ken Westby and ACD, these annual conferences are an exciting time to meet up with other christianmonotheists, bounce ideas off eachother, and do some investigative theology. Click here to access audio files from all of the past conferences.

watch the documentary

History combines with interviews from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim scholars along with a number of "man on the street" segments to explain who Jesus was from historical and biblical perspectives. How did Jesus ever get from being a Jewish Messiah to the second member of the Trinity? Watch this full length documentary to get answers about who the real Jesus is. (This was produced by Restoration Fellowship in conjunction M. G. Dockery Films)

The Human Jesus Documentary


It is important to hear both sides of any issue. Check out these exciting debates and see what the major issues are. We believe that one's theology should not be done in isolation but collaboratively. One of the best ways to see if one's views hold up to scrutiny is to engage with someone from the opposite perspective in public discourse. We have learned a lot by debating others and we pray that we would continue to grow. So far we have 20 debates available for download. If you would like to challenge one of us to a debate click here.

most recent additions

Paganistic False Views of God

by Paul Johnson

Analyzing James White's Trinity Defin...

by Sean Holbrook

The Socinian Movement

by Sean Finnegan

Unitarian Trailblazers

by Sean Finnegan

The Problem of the Trinity

by David Kemball-Cook

Jesus: Prophet, Messiah, or God?

by Steve Katsaras vs. Bernie Pow...

The Holy Spirit and Translation Bias ...

by Sean Finnegan

The Holy Spirit and Translation Bias ...

by Sean Finnegan

Who Is John Biddle?

by Sean Kelly

The Trinity: Truth or Tragedy

by Greer Dixon & Mages vs. Colea...

Search for the Origins of the Trinity...

by Steve Katsaras

Matthew 3.16

by Steve Katsaras


by Steve Katsaras

I Am Almighty God

by Steve Katsaras

Genesis 1.26

by Steve Katsaras

Genesis 1.1

by Steve Katsaras

Deuteronomy 6.4

by Steve Katsaras

Romans 9.5

by Steve Katsaras

Matthew 1.23

by Steve Katsaras

John 20.28

by Steve Katsaras

John 10.33

by Steve Katsaras

John 8.58

by Steve Katsaras

Acts 20.28

by Steve Katsaras

1 Timothy 3.16

by Steve Katsaras

2 Corinthians 13.14

by Steve Katsaras

1 John 5.7

by Steve Katsaras

Exposing the Christian Conspiracy

by Clarissa Neumer

Critique of the Historical Godhead

by K. Michael Errington

Debate: James White vs. Patrick Navas...

by Patric Navas vs. James White

Masculine Pronouns and the Holy Spiri...

by Jay Dicken

Is the Spirit a Person in John 14.16?...

by Jay Dicken

Does the Spirit Have a Will in 1 Cori...

by Jay Dicken

Understanding Matthew 28.19

by Jay Dicken

Acts 13.1-5 and the Holy Spirit

by Jay Dicken

Acts 5.3 and the Holy Spirit

by Jay Dicken

The Creation of Jesus in Colossians 1...

by Jay Dicken

Is Jesus Called Yahweh in Romans 10.1...

by Jay Dicken

Shoul We Pray to and Worship Jesus?

by Jay Dicken

Jesus Is Emmanuel

by Jay Dicken

Jesus and God Share Many Titles

by Jay Dicken

Jesus Was in the Form of God

by Jay Dicken

Do Titus 2.13 and 2 Peter 1.1 Call Je...

by Jay Dicken

Jesus Is Called My Lord and My God

by Jay Dicken

Jesus Is Called God in Hebrews 1.8

by Jay Dicken

Did Jesus Claim to Be the "I Am" in J...

by Jay Dicken

Did Jesus Call Himself the "I Am?"

by Jay Dicken

Seeing Jesus Is Seeing the Father

by Jay Dicken

Elohim and Genesis 1.26

by Jay Dicken

Did Jesus Claim to Be God?

by Jay Dicken

Didn't Christ Do Things Only God Can ...

by Jay Dicken

Does 1 John 5.20 Call Jesus God?

by Jay Dicken

How Can Jesus' Death Save Us If He Is...

by Jay Dicken

Why Does the Bible Call Jesus God?

by Jay Dicken

Echad and "Compound Unity"

by Jay Dicken

Scriptural Study on the Trinity

by Jay Dicken

Talking with Jesus

by John Cortright

Should We Worship Jesus?

by Sean Finnegan

Is Jesus the Father?

by Mike Hicks

Two Witnesses: Oneness Sleight of Han...

by Mike Hicks

Yahweh Cannot Die

by Matthew Janzen

Principle of Agency

by Matthew Janzen

Yahweh Has a Son

by Matthew Janzen

The Son is Subordinate

by Matthew Janzen

The Son of the Living God

by Matthew Janzen

Who Should Christians Worship?

by Dale Tuggy

Shared Titles of God and Christ

by Mike Hicks

Worship the True God (Jeremiah 10.1-1...

by Sean Finnegan

The Doctrine of God and Christ

by Steve Katsaras

A Very Short Explanation of Titus 2.1...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of Romans 9....

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of Philippia...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of Micah 5.2...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of Matthew 2...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of Matthew 1...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of John 20.2...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of John 17.5...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of John 12.4...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of John 10.3...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of John 8.58...

by Sean Finnegan

A Very Short Explanation of John 5.18...

by Sean Finnegan

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We now have a total of 372 media items including video, audio, and text. If you would like to submit an article or media file to our collection, click here. All files are free to download.


These books, written by people from diverse backgrounds, express the simple truth that God is one. Some of them are more scholary while others are more autobiographical. In addition, a few of them are available to read online. If you would like more in depth treatment of christian monotheism, these books are the next step to take. Note: if you know of other books, not listed here, please leave us feedback.

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