found 8 items matching John 8.58
Did Jesus Claim to be the "I Am" in John 8.58? [36:25]
by Victor Gluckin rated at 1.6 (6 votes so far)
John 8 contains insight into the identity of Jesus. Did he really use the title 'I AM' to refer his hearers back to God's encounter with Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3.14) or is this an instance where translation bias has twisted the Scripture? Why is it that the same Greek phrase is translated just nine verses later as "I am the one" when it is found on the lips of the blind man?
Gabriel Was Not a Trinitarian [7 pages]
by Anthony Buzzard rated at 1.6 (6 votes so far)
I suggest that this Christological statement from the angel Gabriel be taken as the basis for identifying who Jesus is. It should be understood as a clarion call for unity, a rallying point for divided Christendom. What better way of calling Christians back to their first-century roots? The message is simple and clear. The Son of God of Gabriel's announcement is none other than a divinely created Son of God, coming into existence--begotten--as Son in his mother's womb.
A Very Short Explanation of John 8.58 [<1 page]
by Sean Finnegan rated at 1.9 (7 votes so far)
Is Jesus the "I Am" of Exodus who met Moses at the burning bush? If he is then so is the blind man in John 9.9 since he used the same exact phrase as Jesus in John 8.58.
Debate: James White vs. Patrick Navas [189:50]
by Patric Navas vs. James White rated at 2.6 (11 votes so far)
I recently listened to Patrick Navas' debate against James White over whether or not Jesus is God. The specific debate topic was: “The deity of Christ is taught in the following texts or families of texts: John 12:41 (cf. Isa. 6 and 53), 1 Cor. 8:5-6, Heb. 1, Col. 1:15-17, and the 'I am' statements of Jesus (John 8:24/58, 13:19, 18:5-6).” Navas argued for a one-God position whereas White defended the doctrine of the Trinity. These two are among the best advocates of their respective positions.
James White is the Director of Alpha and Omega Ministries and the author of The Forgotten Trinity. White has debate dozens of people on many subjects, including Anthony Buzzard and Greg Stafford on the Trinity. He is tenacious, well-trained at debating, and probably one of the best Trinity defenders in the world.
Patrick Navas is the author of Divine Truth or Human Tradition?: A Reconsideration of the Orthodox Doctrine of the Trinity in Light of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. I've listened to a few of Navas' debates and he exemplifies a Christ-like respect and gentleness combined with strength and confidence. If you would like to listen to my own interview with Navas on the subject of the Trinity, click here.
The two faced off on Chris Date's Theopologetics podcast.
part one: opening statements; John 12.41; 1 Corinthians 8.6
part two: Hebrews 1; Colossians 1; the "I Am" statements of John
Who is Jesus? (Booklet) [25 pages]
by Anthony Buzzard rated at 3.9 (20 votes so far)
It is a striking fact that Jesus never referred to himself as "God." Equally remarkable is the New Testament's use of the word "God"--in Greek ho theos--to refer to the Father alone, some 1325 times. In sharp contrast, Jesus is called "god" in a handful of texts only--perhaps no more than two. Why this impressive difference in New Testament usage, when so many seem to think that Jesus is no less "God" than his Father?
John 8.58 [72:02]
by Steve Katsaras rated at 1.5 (7 votes so far)
Steve Katsaras explains John 8.58
Commentary on John 8.58 [2 pages]
by John Schoenheit, Mark Graeser, John Lynn rated at 1.0 (5 votes so far)
Trinitarians argue that this verse states that Jesus said he was the “I am” (i.e., the Yahweh of the Old Testament), so he must be God. This is just not the case. Saying “I am” does not make a person God.
Did Jesus Call Himself the "I Am?" [1 page]
by Jay Dicken rated at 1.0 (5 votes so far)
Was Jesus applying the title I AM to himself? Interestingly, someone other than Jesus uses this exact same Greek phrase only ten verses later. At John 9:9 a man whom Jesus had healed also says “I am.” [ego eimi] Should we conclude that this man is part of a triune God? Certainly not, so the simple statement I am does not prove deity.
These books, written by people from diverse backgrounds, express the simple truth that God is one. Some of them are more scholary while others are more autobiographical. In addition, a few of them are available to read online. If you would like more in depth treatment of christian monotheism, these books are the next step to take. Note: if you know of other books, not listed here, please leave us feedback.