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Calling Christians Worldwide to Return to the Creed of Jesus

found 9 items matching John 20.31

Testing for Truth -- A Critical Question about Your Creed  [8 pages]
by Anthony Buzzard rated at 1.6 (6 votes so far)

John’s Truth-test (I John 4:2, II John 7) is critically relevant to our times. Belief in Jesus as the Christ, a real human descendant of David is still the Biblical criterion for proof that one is drawing inspiration from the spirit of Truth. It remains as true as ever that the fundamental doctrinal test of the professing Christian has to do with his view of the person of Christ. The denial of the humanity of Jesus is the fatal flaw detected by the Johannine test. God’s Son is the Son of Mary and of David. Of sonship prior to His conception in history the Bible has nothing to say. Such a notion is destructive of Jesus’ genuine humanity and genuine descent from David. Jesus, the Jewish-Christian Messiah, needs urgently to be reinstated at the heart of Christian devotion. Belief in Him and in His Father, the only true God, leads to salvation (John 17:3).

John 1.1 Caveat Lector (Reader Beware)  [13 pages]
by Anthony Buzzard rated at 1.6 (6 votes so far)

In all probability John has been "turned on his head." What he intended was to stave off all attempts to introduce a duality into the Godhead. For John the word was the one God Himself, not a second person. The later, post-biblical shift from "word" as divine promise from the beginning, the Gospel lodged in the mind and purpose of the one God, to an actual second divine "person," the Son, alive before his birth, introduced a principle of confusion and chaos from which the church has never freed itself. This shift was the corrupting seed of later Trinitarianism. God became two and later, with the addition of the holy spirit, three. It remains for believers today to return to belief in Jesus as the human Messiah and in the One God of Israel, his Father, as the "one who alone is truly God" (John 17:3). God is one person not three.

A Christological Confession  [7 pages]
by Anthony Buzzard rated at 1.6 (6 votes so far)

At a time when theological literature emphasizes a plurality of Christologies within the New Testament canon, we should not forget that, despite differences of emphasis, there is a common confession throughout all the New Testament documents which embeds itself in the statement that Jesus is the Messiah.

Commentary on John 1.1-3  [6 pages]
by Chuck LaMattina rated at 3.5 (18 votes so far)

The word, the logos, God's plan, His purpose, became flesh and dwelt among us. With the coming into existence of Jesus Christ at his conception and birth, the full plan and heart of God was expressed as a human being. Jesus Christ was full of divine grace and truth. What became flesh in John 1.14 was not a preexistent or eternally begotten Son of God. What became flesh was God's full plan of salvation revealed in the Man Jesus Christ.

Jesus: Son of Man, Son of God  [41:15]
by Victor Gluckin rated at 1.3 (6 votes so far)

The traditional doctrine of the hypostatic union (dual natures) maintains that the title 'Son of Man' refers to the human nature of Jesus while the title 'Son of God' refers to the divine nature of Jesus. Yet, is this biblical? What does the Bible teach about these two titles? Is 'Son of God' equivalent to 'God the Son?' Victor Gluckin mounts a convincing case that 'Son of God' should be understood messianically and 'Son of Man' should be interpreted in light of Daniel 7.13-14.

The Son Was Given Authority  [2 pages]
by Shane Derry rated at 2.3 (8 votes so far)

Why was Jesus called Immanuel? Does that mean he is God with us or was he being called this name to remind the message that God was still with his people? Looking at other Hebrew names Shane mounts a convincing case for the second option.

Who is Jesus? (Booklet)  [25 pages]
by Anthony Buzzard rated at 3.9 (20 votes so far)

It is a striking fact that Jesus never referred to himself as "God." Equally remarkable is the New Testament's use of the word "God"--in Greek ho theos--to refer to the Father alone, some 1325 times. In sharp contrast, Jesus is called "god" in a handful of texts only--perhaps no more than two. Why this impressive difference in New Testament usage, when so many seem to think that Jesus is no less "God" than his Father?

Is Jesus the Father?  [5 pages]
by Mike Hicks rated at 1.0 (5 votes so far)

Mike Hicks carefully analyzes the central claim of oneness theology that Jesus is the Father. He cites the work of Gordon Magee and David Bernard and then goes on to show that the oneness assertion, "Jesus is the Father," steps far outside of Biblical language and logic. In attempting to disprove the doctrine of the Trinity, which is also false, Jesus-only advocates prove too much.

Jesus Is Called My Lord and My God  [< 1 page]
by Jay Dicken rated at 1.0 (5 votes so far)

If God can call human judges who were supposed to act as His representatives “gods” without meaning it literally, why couldn’t Thomas call the one who has been appointed as God’s representative to judge all the earth “God” without meaning it literally?

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Genesis 1.1 (6) 
Genesis 1.1-2 (1) 
Genesis 1.3 (1) 
Genesis 1.6 (1) 
Genesis 1.9 (1) 
Genesis 1.11 (1) 
Genesis 1.14 (1) 
Genesis 1.15 (1) 
Genesis 1.20 (1) 
Genesis 1.24 (1) 
Genesis 1.26 (7) 
Genesis 1.27 (1) 
Genesis 2.18 (1) 
Genesis 2.21 (1) 
Genesis 3.15 (5) 
Genesis 3.19 (1) 
Genesis 3.22 (1) 
Genesis 3.32 (1) 
Genesis 6.3-4 (1) 
Genesis 6.7 (1) 
Genesis 9.12 (1) 
Genesis 9.17 (1) 
Genesis 9.25 (1) 
Genesis 11.7 (3) 
Genesis 16.7-13 (1) 
Genesis 17.1 (1) 
Genesis 18.1-2 (1) 
Genesis 18.2 (2) 
Genesis 19.1 (1) 
Genesis 19.5 (1) 
Genesis 19.8 (1) 
Genesis 19.10 (1) 
Genesis 19.12 (1) 
Genesis 19.13 (1) 
Genesis 19.14 (1) 
Genesis 19.24 (1) 
Genesis 19.25 (1) 
Genesis 19.29 (1) 
Genesis 21.33 (1) 
Genesis 23.5 (1) 
Genesis 23.6 (1) 
Genesis 24.9 (1) 
Genesis 24.10 (1) 
Genesis 27.32 (1) 
Genesis 30.8 (1) 
Genesis 32.23-33 (1) 
Genesis 33.3 (1) 
Genesis 39.20 (1) 
Genesis 40.14 (1) 
Genesis 41.37 (1) 
Genesis 41.40-44 (2) 
Genesis 41.55 (1) 
Genesis 49.8 (1) 
Genesis 49.10 (1) 
Exodus 3.2-6 (1) 
Exodus 3.2 (1) 
Exodus 3.4 (1) 
Exodus 3.5 (1) 
Exodus 3.6 (1) 
Exodus 3.11-15 (1) 
Exodus 3.14 (1) 
Exodus 4.14-16 (4) 
Exodus 4.20 (1) 
Exodus 4.22 (1) 
Exodus 6.1-8 (1) 
Exodus 6.30 (1) 
Exodus 7.1 (5) 
Exodus 7.4-5 (1) 
Exodus 7.9 (1) 
Exodus 7.10 (1) 
Exodus 7.14-17 (1) 
Exodus 7.14 (1) 
Exodus 7.16 (1) 
Exodus 7.17 (1) 
Exodus 7.19 (1) 
Exodus 7.20 (1) 
Exodus 8.5 (1) 
Exodus 8.6 (1) 
Exodus 8.10 (1) 
Exodus 8.16 (1) 
Exodus 8.17 (1) 
Exodus 8.22 (1) 
Exodus 9.6-7 (1) 
Exodus 9.22 (1) 
Exodus 9.23 (1) 
Exodus 9.28 (1) 
Exodus 10.12 (1) 
Exodus 10.13 (1) 
Exodus 10.19 (1) 
Exodus 10.21 (1) 
Exodus 10.22 (1) 
Exodus 11.10 (1) 
Exodus 12.7 (1) 
Exodus 12.12 (1) 
Exodus 12.13 (1) 
Exodus 12.23 (1) 
Exodus 13.21 (1) 
Exodus 14.19 (1) 
Exodus 16.1-14 (1) 
Exodus 17.10 (1) 
Exodus 18.16 (1) 
Exodus 18.19 (1) 
Exodus 19.16-18 (1) 
Exodus 20.1 (2) 
Exodus 20.1-7 (1) 
Exodus 20.1-3 (1) 
Exodus 20.2-3 (1) 
Exodus 20.5 (1) 
Exodus 21.5-6 (5) 
Exodus 22.8-9 (3) 
Exodus 23.20 (1) 
Exodus 23.21 (1) 
Exodus 23.22 (1) 
Exodus 23.23 (1) 
Exodus 24.14 (1) 
Exodus 28.3 (1) 
Exodus 32.4 (1) 
Exodus 32.8 (1) 
Exodus 33.19 (1) 
Exodus 33.20 (1) 
Exodus 33.21 (1) 
Exodus 33.22 (1) 
Exodus 33.23 (1) 
Exodus 34.14 (1) 
Numbers 11.24-28 (1) 
Numbers 12.1-8 (1) 
Numbers 12.8 (1) 
Numbers 20.16 (1) 
Numbers 21.5 (1) 
Numbers 23.19 (3) 
Numbers 24.7 (1) 
Numbers 24.17 (1) 
Numbers 31.1-3 (1) 
Deuteronomy 1.3 (1) 
Deuteronomy 1.6-8 (1) 
Deuteronomy 1.30-40 (1) 
Deuteronomy 2.29-36 (1) 
Deuteronomy 3.2-3 (1) 
Deuteronomy 4.23-24 (2) 
Deuteronomy 4.32-39 (1) 
Deuteronomy 4.35 (8) 
Deuteronomy 4.39 (8) 
Deuteronomy 5.4 (3) 
Deuteronomy 5.6-10 (2) 
Deuteronomy 5.9 (1) 
Deuteronomy 5.23-25 (1) 
Deuteronomy 6.1-6 (1) 
Deuteronomy 6.4 (23) 
Deuteronomy 6.4-5 (1) 
Deuteronomy 6.13 (3) 
Deuteronomy 6.14-15 (2) 
Deuteronomy 7.9-11 (1) 
Deuteronomy 10.12 (1) 
Deuteronomy 10.17-21 (1) 
Deuteronomy 10.20 (1) 
Deuteronomy 11.13 (1) 
Deuteronomy 11.16 (1) 
Deuteronomy 13.4 (1) 
Deuteronomy 17.6 (1) 
Deuteronomy 17.14 (1) 
Deuteronomy 17.15 (1) 
Deuteronomy 18.15 (3) 
Deuteronomy 18.15-18 (3) 
Deuteronomy 18.18 (4) 
Deuteronomy 18.19 (1) 
Deuteronomy 26.10 (1) 
Deuteronomy 29.6 (1) 
Deuteronomy 32.39 (2) 
Deuteronomy 33.27 (1) 
Deuteronomy 34.9 (1) 
Joshua 5.13 (1) 
Joshua 5.14 (1) 
Joshua 5.15 (1) 
Joshua 24.14 (1) 
Judges 3.19-21 (1) 
Judges 6.11 (1) 
Judges 6.12 (1) 
Judges 6.13-22 (1) 
Judges 6.28-31 (1) 
Judges 6.36 (1) 
Judges 8.33 (1) 
Judges 10.13-14 (1) 
Judges 13.21 (1) 
Judges 13.22 (1) 
Judges 16.23 (3) 
Judges 16.24 (1) 
Ruth 1.4 (1) 
1 Samuel 2.25 (1) 
1 Samuel 7.3 (1) 
1 Samuel 14.15 (1) 
1 Samuel 17.4 (1) 
1 Samuel 24.8 (1) 
1 Samuel 25.23 (2) 
1 Samuel 25.41 (1) 
1 Samuel 26.17 (1) 
1 Samuel 29.18 (1) 
2 Samuel 7.12-14 (3) 
2 Samuel 7.14 (5) 
2 Samuel 7.16 (1) 
2 Samuel 7.22 (4) 
2 Samuel 14.2 (1) 
2 Samuel 16.11 (1) 
2 Samuel 17.14 (1) 
2 Samuel 23.2 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.10 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.11 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.12 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.14 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.15-17 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.15 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.16 (1) 
2 Samuel 24.17 (1) 
1 Kings 1.31 (2) 
1 Kings 8.19 (1) 
1 Kings 8.27 (1) 
1 Kings 18.20-21 (1) 
1 Kings 22.19 (1) 
2 Kings 1.9 (1) 
2 Kings 1.10 (1) 
2 Kings 1.11 (1) 
2 Kings 1.12 (1) 
2 Kings 2.12 (1) 
2 Kings 2.15 (1) 
2 Kings 4.32 (1) 
2 Kings 15.29 (1) 
2 Kings 16.9 (1) 
2 Kings 19.15 (1) 
2 Kings 19.19 (4) 
1 Chronicles 17.11-15 (1) 
1 Chronicles 17.20 (2) 
1 Chronicles 21.14 (1) 
1 Chronicles 21.15 (1) 
1 Chronicles 21.18 (1) 
1 Chronicles 21.19 (1) 
2 Chronicles 6.9 (1) 
2 Chronicles 10.4 (1) 
2 Chronicles 15.3 (2) 
2 Chronicles 18.18-22 (1) 
Ezra 7.12 (1) 
Nehemiah 7.7 (1) 
Nehemiah 9.6 (1) 
Esther 2.2 (1) 
Esther 8.3 (1) 
Job 9.8 (2) 
Job 10.13 (2) 
Job 23.13-14 (1) 
Job 23.14 (1) 
Job 27.11 (1) 
Job 27.13 (2) 
Job 28.14 (1) 
Job 29.16 (3) 
Job 38.4-11 (1) 
Job 38.4 (2) 
Job 38.5 (1) 
Job 38.6 (1) 
Job 38.7 (4) 
Job 42.2 (2) 
Psalm 2.7 (9) 
Psalm 2.7-12 (2) 
Psalm 5.2 (1) 
Psalm 8.3 (1) 
Psalm 8.5 (2) 
Psalm 12.14 (2) 
Psalm 19.1 (1) 
Psalm 21.4-6 (1) 
Psalm 29.1 (1) 
Psalm 33.6 (4) 
Psalm 33.9 (1) 
Psalm 36.6 (1) 
Psalm 45.1-7 (1) 
Psalm 45.6 (3) 
Psalm 51.4 (1) 
Psalm 55.1 (1) 
Psalm 61.6-7 (1) 
Psalm 64.5-6 (1) 
Psalm 69.25 (1) 
Psalm 72.5 (1) 
Psalm 72.17 (1) 
Psalm 82.1-8 (1) 
Psalm 82.1 (3) 
Psalm 82.6 (5) 
Psalm 83.18 (1) 
Psalm 86.8-10 (1) 
Psalm 86.10 (2) 
Psalm 89.6 (1) 
Psalm 89.27 (2) 
Psalm 90.2 (1) 
Psalm 95.5 (1) 
Psalm 96.5 (1) 
Psalm 99.5 (1) 
Psalm 99.9 (1) 
Psalm 104.24 (1) 
Psalm 104.25 (1) 
Psalm 107.20 (1) 
Psalm 110.1 (15) 
Psalm 110.1-7 (1) 
Psalm 110.2 (1) 
Psalm 110.3 (1) 
Psalm 110.4 (1) 
Psalm 119.74 (1) 
Psalm 119.100 (1) 
Psalm 119.105 (1) 
Psalm 119.129 (1) 
Psalm 132.11 (1) 
Psalm 135.5-7 (1) 
Psalm 136.5 (1) 
Psalm 139.7 (1) 
Psalm 144.3 (1) 
Psalm 147.5 (3) 
Psalm 147.15 (1) 
Psalm 147.18-19 (1) 
Proverbs 3.19 (3) 
Proverbs 3.27 (1) 
Proverbs 8.1 (1) 
Proverbs 8.12 (2) 
Proverbs 8.22-31 (2) 
Proverbs 8.22 (2) 
Proverbs 8.23 (1) 
Proverbs 8.30 (3) 
Proverbs 12.6 (1) 
Proverbs 13.10 (1) 
Proverbs 23.7 (1) 
Ecclesiastes 4.8-9 (1) 
Ecclesiastes 4.9 (1) 
Ecclesiastes 4.11 (1) 
Ecclesiastes 4:9 (1) 
Isaiah 1.18 (1) 
Isaiah 2.4 (1) 
Isaiah 6.3 (2) 
Isaiah 6.8 (4) 
Isaiah 7.14 (4) 
Isaiah 8.4 (1) 
Isaiah 8.10 (2) 
Isaiah 8.13 (1) 
Isaiah 8.14 (1) 
Isaiah 9.1 (1) 
Isaiah 9.3 (1) 
Isaiah 9.4 (1) 
Isaiah 9.6 (14) 
Isaiah 11.1-2 (1) 
Isaiah 11.1-5 (1) 
Isaiah 22.20-21 (1) 
Isaiah 22.21 (2) 
Isaiah 34.2 (1) 
Isaiah 37.16 (2) 
Isaiah 37.20 (1) 
Isaiah 40.14 (1) 
Isaiah 40.28 (1) 
Isaiah 42.1-4 (1) 
Isaiah 42.5 (1) 
Isaiah 43.7 (1) 
Isaiah 43.10 (4) 
Isaiah 43.11 (2) 
Isaiah 43.13 (2) 
Isaiah 44.6 (4) 
Isaiah 44.8 (1) 
Isaiah 44.24 (10) 
Isaiah 45.5-7 (5) 
Isaiah 45.5-6 (2) 
Isaiah 45.5 (2) 
Isaiah 45.12 (2) 
Isaiah 45.18 (6) 
Isaiah 45.22 (2) 
Isaiah 46.9 (2) 
Isaiah 46.10 (2) 
Isaiah 48.15-16 (1) 
Isaiah 49.5 (1) 
Isaiah 55.10-11 (1) 
Isaiah 55.11 (1) 
Isaiah 57.15 (2) 
Jeremiah 1.5 (1) 
Jeremiah 2.11 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.1 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.2 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.3 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.4 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.5 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.6 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.7 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.8 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.9 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.10 (6) 
Jeremiah 10.10-16 (2) 
Jeremiah 10.11 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.12 (2) 
Jeremiah 10.13 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.14 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.15 (1) 
Jeremiah 10.16 (1) 
Jeremiah 17.5 (1) 
Jeremiah 23.6 (1) 
Jeremiah 23.24 (1) 
Jeremiah 27.5 (1) 
Jeremiah 31.9 (1) 
Jeremiah 31.15 (1) 
Jeremiah 51.15 (1) 
Ezekiel 16.35-38 (1) 
Ezekiel 26.7 (1) 
Daniel 2.37 (2) 
Daniel 2.44 (1) 
Daniel 3.15 (1) 
Daniel 3.16 (1) 
Daniel 3.17 (1) 
Daniel 3.19 (1) 
Daniel 3.20 (1) 
Daniel 3.21 (1) 
Daniel 3.22 (1) 
Daniel 3.23 (1) 
Daniel 3.24 (1) 
Daniel 3.25 (1) 
Daniel 3.26 (1) 
Daniel 3.27 (1) 
Daniel 3.28 (1) 
Daniel 3.29 (1) 
Daniel 4.34 (2) 
Daniel 7.9-10 (1) 
Daniel 7.13-14 (4) 
Daniel 9.25 (1) 
Daniel 11.3 (1) 
Hosea 11.1 (1) 
Hosea 11.9 (1) 
Hosea 12.3 (1) 
Hosea 12.4 (1) 
Joel 2.28-29 (1) 
Joel 2.32 (1) 
Jonah 3.3 (1) 
Micah 5.2 (5) 
Micah 6.7 (1) 
Habakkuk 1.13 (1) 
Zechariah 3.1 (1) 
Zechariah 9.10 (1) 
Zechariah 12.10 (1) 
Zechariah 13.7 (1) 
Zechariah 14.9 (2) 
Malachi 2.5 (1) 
Malachi 2.10 (3) 
Malachi 3.1 (1) 
Malachi 3.5-7 (1) 
Matthew 1.1 (3) 
Matthew 1.18 (9) 
Matthew 1.20 (9) 
Matthew 1.23 (6) 
Matthew 2.1-6 (1) 
Matthew 2.2 (1) 
Matthew 2.8 (1) 
Matthew 2.11 (1) 
Matthew 2.18 (1) 
Matthew 3.11 (1) 
Matthew 3.16 (1) 
Matthew 4.1-10 (2) 
Matthew 4.1 (2) 
Matthew 4.2 (1) 
Matthew 4.10 (3) 
Matthew 4.12-17 (1) 
Matthew 4.17 (1) 
Matthew 4.23 (1) 
Matthew 4.26 (1) 
Matthew 5.5 (1) 
Matthew 5.17 (1) 
Matthew 5.48 (2) 
Matthew 6.10 (1) 
Matthew 6.20 (1) 
Matthew 6.26 (1) 
Matthew 6.30 (2) 
Matthew 7.8 (1) 
Matthew 7.29 (1) 
Matthew 8.5-13 (1) 
Matthew 8.6 (1) 
Matthew 8.8 (1) 
Matthew 8.26 (1) 
Matthew 8.27 (1) 
Matthew 8.28-29 (1) 
Matthew 9.2 (2) 
Matthew 9.2-3 (1) 
Matthew 9.6 (2) 
Matthew 9.8 (4) 
Matthew 10.1 (1) 
Matthew 11.14 (1) 
Matthew 11.25 (1) 
Matthew 12.28 (2) 
Matthew 12.32 (1) 
Matthew 13.19 (1) 
Matthew 13.43 (1) 
Matthew 14.2 (1) 
Matthew 14.32-33 (1) 
Matthew 14.33 (1) 
Matthew 15.25 (1) 
Matthew 16.13-17 (3) 
Matthew 16.13 (1) 
Matthew 16.14 (1) 
Matthew 16.15-18 (1) 
Matthew 16.16 (5) 
Matthew 18.20 (1) 
Matthew 18.26 (1) 
Matthew 19.4 (1) 
Matthew 19.26 (1) 
Matthew 20.28 (1) 
Matthew 21.8-11 (1) 
Matthew 21.12 (1) 
Matthew 21.46 (1) 
Matthew 22.23-32 (1) 
Matthew 22.43 (1) 
Matthew 23.34 (1) 
Matthew 24.30 (1) 
Matthew 24.36 (3) 
Matthew 25.31 (1) 
Matthew 25.34 (3) 
Matthew 25.40 (1) 
Matthew 25.45 (1) 
Matthew 26.53 (1) 
Matthew 26.54 (1) 
Matthew 26.62 (1) 
Matthew 26.62-67 (1) 
Matthew 26.63 (1) 
Matthew 26.64 (1) 
Matthew 27.46 (3) 
Matthew 28.9 (1) 
Matthew 28.17 (1) 
Matthew 28.18-20 (2) 
Matthew 28.18 (8) 
Matthew 28.19 (4) 
Matthew 28.20 (4) 
Mark 1.1 (1) 
Mark 1.8 (1) 
Mark 1.15 (1) 
Mark 1.45 (1) 
Mark 2.7 (1) 
Mark 2.10 (1) 
Mark 4.38 (2) 
Mark 5.22 (1) 
Mark 5.30 (2) 
Mark 6.6 (1) 
Mark 6.38 (1) 
Mark 8.27-30 (1) 
Mark 9.21 (1) 
Mark 10.6 (3) 
Mark 10.18 (6) 
Mark 10.21 (1) 
Mark 12.28-34 (22) 
Mark 12.29 (2) 
Mark 12.35-37 (1) 
Mark 12.36 (1) 
Mark 13.19 (3) 
Mark 13.32 (14) 
Mark 14.36 (1) 
Mark 15.19 (1) 
Mark 15.34 (2) 
Luke 1.1-3 (1) 
Luke 1.4 (1) 
Luke 1.31-35 (3) 
Luke 1.32 (2) 
Luke 1.35 (16) 
Luke 1.37 (1) 
Luke 1.47 (1) 
Luke 1.67-70 (1) 
Luke 2.1-20 (1) 
Luke 2.7 (1) 
Luke 2.11 (6) 
Luke 2.25-32 (1) 
Luke 2.40 (1) 
Luke 2.52 (7) 
Luke 3.16 (1) 
Luke 3.21 (2) 
Luke 3.38 (4) 
Luke 4.1-13 (1) 
Luke 4.8 (1) 
Luke 4.18-19 (1) 
Luke 5.17 (1) 
Luke 5.20 (2) 
Luke 5.21 (2) 
Luke 5.22 (1) 
Luke 5.23 (1) 
Luke 5.24 (1) 
Luke 6.12 (2) 
Luke 6.35 (1) 
Luke 7.2-10 (1) 
Luke 7.9 (1) 
Luke 7.16 (2) 
Luke 8.11 (1) 
Luke 8.12 (1) 
Luke 8.25 (1) 
Luke 8.28 (1) 
Luke 8.39 (2) 
Luke 8.41 (1) 
Luke 10.16 (1) 
Luke 10.19 (1) 
Luke 10.21 (1) 
Luke 10.22 (1) 
Luke 11.2 (1) 
Luke 11.20 (1) 
Luke 11.49 (2) 
Luke 12.28 (1) 
Luke 16.2 (1) 
Luke 21.27 (1) 
Luke 22.28-29 (1) 
Luke 22.30 (1) 
Luke 22.42 (1) 
Luke 22.44 (1) 
Luke 22.66-71 (1) 
Luke 24.17-19 (1) 
Luke 24.46 (1) 
Luke 24.52 (1) 
John 1.1 (18) 
John 1.1-5 (2) 
John 1.1-3 (2) 
John 1.3 (1) 
John 1.6 (1) 
John 1.10 (1) 
John 1.14 (20) 
John 1.15 (1) 
John 1.17 (1) 
John 1.18 (14) 
John 1.21 (1) 
John 1.33 (1) 
John 1.39 (1) 
John 2.19 (2) 
John 2.20 (1) 
John 2.21 (1) 
John 2.22 (1) 
John 2.24 (2) 
John 3.2 (1) 
John 3.13 (2) 
John 3.16 (2) 
John 3.22 (1) 
John 3.32-34 (2) 
John 3.34 (2) 
John 3.35 (1) 
John 4.1-26 (1) 
John 4.6 (1) 
John 4.21-24 (1) 
John 4.22 (1) 
John 4.23-24 (1) 
John 4.24 (1) 
John 4.34 (2) 
John 4.40 (1) 
John 5.8 (1) 
John 5.17-18 (1) 
John 5.18-30 (2) 
John 5.18 (3) 
John 5.19 (8) 
John 5.21-29 (1) 
John 5.22 (1) 
John 5.23 (3) 
John 5.27 (1) 
John 5.30 (4) 
John 5.36 (1) 
John 5.43-44 (4) 
John 5.43 (2) 
John 5.44 (5) 
John 6.14 (1) 
John 6.26 (1) 
John 6.27 (1) 
John 6.30 (1) 
John 6.33 (1) 
John 6.38-40 (2) 
John 6.38 (2) 
John 6.44 (1) 
John 6.57 (1) 
John 6.62 (2) 
John 6.63 (1) 
John 6.64 (1) 
John 6.68 (1) 
John 7.14-16 (1) 
John 7.37 (1) 
John 7.39 (1) 
John 8.17 (1) 
John 8.18 (1) 
John 8.24 (3) 
John 8.26 (1) 
John 8.28 (4) 
John 8.28-29 (1) 
John 8.38 (2) 
John 8.42 (1) 
John 8.54 (1) 
John 8.56 (2) 
John 8.58 (8) 
John 9.9 (1) 
John 9.38 (1) 
John 10.18 (3) 
John 10.25 (2) 
John 10.27 (1) 
John 10.27-29 (1) 
John 10.29 (2) 
John 10.30 (9) 
John 10.32 (2) 
John 10.33 (4) 
John 10.34-36 (6) 
John 10.37 (1) 
John 10.38 (1) 
John 11.23-27 (1) 
John 11.25 (1) 
John 12.27-28 (1) 
John 12.32 (1) 
John 12.41 (4) 
John 12.44 (1) 
John 12.44-50 (1) 
John 12.49-50 (2) 
John 12.49 (3) 
John 12.50 (1) 
John 13.3 (1) 
John 14.1 (1) 
John 14.2-3 (1) 
John 14.3 (1) 
John 14.6 (1) 
John 14.9 (7) 
John 14.10 (6) 
John 14.11 (1) 
John 14.14 (1) 
John 14.15 (1) 
John 14.16 (4) 
John 14.17 (4) 
John 14.18 (2) 
John 14.23 (1) 
John 14.24 (1) 
John 14.25 (2) 
John 14.26 (3) 
John 14.28 (8) 
John 15.16 (1) 
John 15.26 (2) 
John 16.7 (2) 
John 16.8 (1) 
John 16.12-14 (1) 
John 16.13 (3) 
John 16.14-15 (1) 
John 16.23 (1) 
John 16.28 (1) 
John 17.1-3 (1) 
John 17.3 (20) 
John 17.5 (6) 
John 17.18 (1) 
John 17.20-22 (2) 
John 17.22 (5) 
John 17.24 (2) 
John 18.3 (1) 
John 18.4 (1) 
John 18.5 (2) 
John 18.6 (2) 
John 18.37 (1) 
John 19.7 (1) 
John 19.25 (1) 
John 19.26 (1) 
John 19.28 (1) 
John 19.33 (1) 
John 20.17 (10) 
John 20.23 (1) 
John 20.28 (10) 
John 20.31 (9) 
Acts 1.1 (1) 
Acts 1.5 (1) 
Acts 1.8 (1) 
Acts 1.16 (1) 
Acts 1.20 (1) 
Acts 2.21 (1) 
Acts 2.22-36 (1) 
Acts 2.22 (2) 
Acts 2.24 (1) 
Acts 2.29-36 (1) 
Acts 2.30 (1) 
Acts 2.32 (1) 
Acts 2.32-33 (1) 
Acts 2.32-36 (1) 
Acts 2.34 (1) 
Acts 2.35 (1) 
Acts 2.36 (5) 
Acts 2.38 (2) 
Acts 3.15 (2) 
Acts 3.20 (2) 
Acts 3.22-26 (1) 
Acts 3.22 (4) 
Acts 3.23 (1) 
Acts 3.25 (1) 
Acts 3.26 (2) 
Acts 4.10-11 (2) 
Acts 4.10 (1) 
Acts 4.24 (1) 
Acts 5.3 (5) 
Acts 5.4 (4) 
Acts 5.30 (1) 
Acts 5.31 (1) 
Acts 5.42 (1) 
Acts 6.11 (1) 
Acts 7.18-19 (2) 
Acts 7.22 (1) 
Acts 7.30 (1) 
Acts 7.30-38 (1) 
Acts 7.35 (1) 
Acts 7.37 (3) 
Acts 7.38 (1) 
Acts 7.45 (1) 
Acts 7.53 (1) 
Acts 7.59 (2) 
Acts 8.21 (1) 
Acts 9.22 (1) 
Acts 10.9 (1) 
Acts 10.10 (1) 
Acts 10.11 (1) 
Acts 10.12 (1) 
Acts 10.38 (2) 
Acts 10.40-42 (1) 
Acts 10.40 (1) 
Acts 12.6-19 (1) 
Acts 13.1 (1) 
Acts 13.2 (1) 
Acts 13.3 (1) 
Acts 13.4 (1) 
Acts 13.5 (1) 
Acts 13.22 (1) 
Acts 13.23 (1) 
Acts 13.30 (1) 
Acts 13.33 (5) 
Acts 13.34 (1) 
Acts 13.37 (1) 
Acts 15.18 (1) 
Acts 17.2-3 (1) 
Acts 17.3 (1) 
Acts 17.11 (1) 
Acts 17.24 (2) 
Acts 17.25 (1) 
Acts 17.30 (2) 
Acts 17.31 (4) 
Acts 18.5 (1) 
Acts 18.28 (1) 
Acts 20.28 (5) 
Acts 20.29-31 (1) 
Acts 24.14 (1) 
Acts 26.5 (1) 
Acts 28.25 (1) 
Romans 1.3 (3) 
Romans 1.4 (1) 
Romans 1.16 (1) 
Romans 3.29-30 (2) 
Romans 4.16 (1) 
Romans 4.17 (1) 
Romans 5.15-19 (1) 
Romans 5.17 (1) 
Romans 6.4 (1) 
Romans 8.1 (1) 
Romans 8.2 (1) 
Romans 8.9-10 (1) 
Romans 8.11 (1) 
Romans 8.15 (1) 
Romans 8.26-27 (2) 
Romans 8.28-30 (1) 
Romans 8.29 (2) 
Romans 9.5 (8) 
Romans 10.9 (2) 
Romans 10.13 (3) 
Romans 10.17 (1) 
Romans 12.4-8 (1) 
Romans 13.1 (1) 
Romans 13.4 (1) 
Romans 15.5-6 (1) 
Romans 15.6 (3) 
Romans 15.14 (1) 
Romans 16.27 (1) 
1 Corinthians 1.18 (1) 
1 Corinthians 1.24 (1) 
1 Corinthians 2.4-12 (1) 
1 Corinthians 2.7 (2) 
1 Corinthians 2.8 (1) 
1 Corinthians 2.11 (1) 
1 Corinthians 2.24 (1) 
1 Corinthians 3.3 (1) 
1 Corinthians 3.16 (1) 
1 Corinthians 6.14 (1) 
1 Corinthians 6.19 (1) 
1 Corinthians 8.1ff (1) 
1 Corinthians 8.4-6 (9) 
1 Corinthians 8.4 (2) 
1 Corinthians 8.6 (20) 
1 Corinthians 10.9 (1) 
1 Corinthians 11.3 (4) 
1 Corinthians 11.7 (1) 
1 Corinthians 12.4 (2) 
1 Corinthians 12.6 (2) 
1 Corinthians 12.11 (1) 
1 Corinthians 15. 24-25 (1) 
1 Corinthians 15.3-4 (1) 
1 Corinthians 15.20 (1) 
1 Corinthians 15.27-28 (1) 
1 Corinthians 15.27 (1) 
1 Corinthians 15.28 (7) 
1 Corinthians 15.45-47 (1) 
2 Corinthians 1.3 (3) 
2 Corinthians 1.19 (1) 
2 Corinthians 1.22 (1) 
2 Corinthians 2.20 (1) 
2 Corinthians 3.17 (1) 
2 Corinthians 4.4 (4) 
2 Corinthians 5.1 (2) 
2 Corinthians 5.17 (1) 
2 Corinthians 5.19 (3) 
2 Corinthians 6.14-18 (1) 
2 Corinthians 11.4 (3) 
2 Corinthians 11.13-14 (1) 
2 Corinthians 11.30-31 (1) 
2 Corinthians 11.31 (4) 
2 Corinthians 12.8 (1) 
2 Corinthians 12.19 (1) 
2 Corinthians 13.5 (1) 
2 Corinthians 13.14 (3) 
Galatians 1.1 (1) 
Galatians 1.11 (1) 
Galatians 2.5 (1) 
Galatians 2.20 (1) 
Galatians 3.2 (1) 
Galatians 3.7 (1) 
Galatians 3.19 (1) 
Galatians 3.20 (2) 
Galatians 4.4 (4) 
Galatians 4.4-7 (1) 
Galatians 4.6 (1) 
Galatians 5.16-24 (1) 
Galatians 6.15 (1) 
Ephesians 1.3 (6) 
Ephesians 1.3-10 (1) 
Ephesians 1.4 (1) 
Ephesians 1.13 (2) 
Ephesians 1.14 (1) 
Ephesians 1.16 (1) 
Ephesians 1.17 (4) 
Ephesians 1.19-23 (1) 
Ephesians 1.21 (1) 
Ephesians 1.22 (2) 
Ephesians 1.22-23 (1) 
Ephesians 1.23 (1) 
Ephesians 2.15 (1) 
Ephesians 2.18 (1) 
Ephesians 2.20 (1) 
Ephesians 2.22 (1) 
Ephesians 3.2 (1) 
Ephesians 3.3 (1) 
Ephesians 3.9 (3) 
Ephesians 3.11 (1) 
Ephesians 3.12 (1) 
Ephesians 3.14 (1) 
Ephesians 3.14-17 (1) 
Ephesians 3.19 (2) 
Ephesians 4.4 (1) 
Ephesians 4.6 (9) 
Ephesians 4.7-11 (1) 
Ephesians 4.7-8 (1) 
Ephesians 4.16 (1) 
Ephesians 4.20-23 (1) 
Ephesians 4.24 (1) 
Ephesians 5.5 (5) 
Ephesians 5.18 (1) 
Ephesians 5.23 (1) 
Philippians 1.2 (1) 
Philippians 1.19 (1) 
Philippians 2.5-11 (12) 
Philippians 2.6-8 (3) 
Philippians 2.9 (2) 
Philippians 2.10-11 (4) 
Philippians 3.19 (1) 
Colossians 1.3 (1) 
Colossians 1.5 (1) 
Colossians 1.13 (2) 
Colossians 1.14 (1) 
Colossians 1.15-18 (8) 
Colossians 1.15 (4) 
Colossians 1.16 (4) 
Colossians 1.17 (3) 
Colossians 1.19 (3) 
Colossians 1.20 (1) 
Colossians 1.26 (1) 
Colossians 1.27 (3) 
Colossians 2.2 (1) 
Colossians 2.8 (1) 
Colossians 2.9 (3) 
Colossians 2.10 (1) 
Colossians 2.12 (1) 
Colossians 2.18 (1) 
Colossians 2.19 (1) 
Colossians 3.10 (1) 
Colossians 3.11 (1) 
Colossians 3.12 (1) 
Colossians 3.13 (1) 
Colossians 3.14 (1) 
Colossians 3.15 (2) 
Colossians 3.16 (1) 
Colossians 3.24 (1) 
Colossians 4.6 (1) 
1 Thessalonians 1.9 (2) 
1 Thessalonians 3.11 (1) 
1 Thessalonians 4.6 (1) 
2 Thessalonians 1.12 (3) 
2 Thessalonians 2.9-10 (1) 
1 Timothy 1.17 (9) 
1 Timothy 2.3-6 (1) 
1 Timothy 2.5 (19) 
1 Timothy 3.16 (4) 
1 Timothy 4.4 (1) 
1 Timothy 5.21 (1) 
1 Timothy 6.13 (1) 
1 Timothy 6.14-16 (1) 
1 Timothy 6.14 (1) 
1 Timothy 6.15-16 (6) 
1 Timothy 6.16 (4) 
2 Timothy 1.9-10 (1) 
2 Timothy 1.9 (1) 
2 Timothy 3.16 (3) 
2 Timothy 3.17 (1) 
2 Timothy 4.1 (2) 
Titus 1.2-3 (1) 
Titus 2.13 (12) 
Hebrews 1.1 (5) 
Hebrews 1.1-2 (5) 
Hebrews 1.1-5 (1) 
Hebrews 1.2 (4) 
Hebrews 1.3 (4) 
Hebrews 1.4 (3) 
Hebrews 1.5 (3) 
Hebrews 1.8 (11) 
Hebrews 1.10 (4) 
Hebrews 1.14 (1) 
Hebrews 2.5 (1) 
Hebrews 2.10 (3) 
Hebrews 2.16 (1) 
Hebrews 2.17 (2) 
Hebrews 2.18 (2) 
Hebrews 3.1-2 (1) 
Hebrews 3.7 (1) 
Hebrews 4.4 (1) 
Hebrews 4.8 (1) 
Hebrews 4.15 (5) 
Hebrews 5.1 (1) 
Hebrews 5.2 (2) 
Hebrews 5.5 (1) 
Hebrews 5.7 (2) 
Hebrews 5.8-9 (4) 
Hebrews 5.10 (1) 
Hebrews 7.3 (2) 
Hebrews 7.14 (1) 
Hebrews 9.8 (1) 
Hebrews 9.24 (1) 
Hebrews 10.29 (1) 
Hebrews 11.3 (2) 
Hebrews 12.2 (1) 
Hebrews 13.8 (2) 
James 1.13 (6) 
James 1.18 (1) 
James 2.18-20 (1) 
James 2.19 (3) 
James 5.12 (1) 
1 Peter 1.1 (1) 
1 Peter 1.2 (1) 
1 Peter 1.3 (3) 
1 Peter 1.10 (1) 
1 Peter 1.11 (2) 
1 Peter 1.20 (5) 
1 Peter 1.23-25 (1) 
1 Peter 2.4 (1) 
1 Peter 2.7 (1) 
1 Peter 2.8 (1) 
1 Peter 3.6 (1) 
1 Peter 4.8 (1) 
1 Peter 4.14 (1) 
2 Peter 1.1 (6) 
2 Peter 1.4 (2) 
2 Peter 1.5 (1) 
2 Peter 1.16-21 (1) 
2 Peter 1.21 (1) 
2 Peter 2.8 (1) 
2 Peter 3.1-9 (1) 
2 Peter 3.18 (1) 
1 John 1.1-2 (1) 
1 John 1.1 (2) 
1 John 1.3 (3) 
1 John 2.19 (2) 
1 John 2.20 (2) 
1 John 2.21 (1) 
1 John 2.22 (3) 
1 John 3.1 (1) 
1 John 3.2 (1) 
1 John 3.16 (2) 
1 John 3.20 (2) 
1 John 4.1-3 (2) 
1 John 4.2 (2) 
1 John 4.9-15 (1) 
1 John 4.12 (1) 
1 John 5.1 (1) 
1 John 5.5 (1) 
1 John 5.5-8 (1) 
1 John 5.7-8 (4) 
1 John 5.9 (1) 
1 John 5.10 (1) 
1 John 5.19 (1) 
1 John 5.20 (7) 
2 John 1.3 (2) 
2 John 1.7 (5) 
Jude 1.3 (1) 
Jude 1.24-25 (2) 
Jude 1.25 (1) 
Jude 4 (1) 
Revelation 1.1 (2) 
Revelation 1.1 (1) 
Revelation 1.5 (1) 
Revelation 1.6 (1) 
Revelation 1.8 (4) 
Revelation 1.11 (1) 
Revelation 1.13-15 (1) 
Revelation 1.17-18 (3) 
Revelation 1.17 (1) 
Revelation 2.23 (1) 
Revelation 3.2 (2) 
Revelation 3.9 (1) 
Revelation 3.12 (5) 
Revelation 3.14 (1) 
Revelation 4.10 (1) 
Revelation 4.11 (1) 
Revelation 5.1-14 (1) 
Revelation 5.12-13 (2) 
Revelation 7.10 (1) 
Revelation 7.14 (1) 
Revelation 10.5 (1) 
Revelation 12.2 (1) 
Revelation 13.8 (2) 
Revelation 14.1 (1) 
Revelation 14.7 (1) 
Revelation 19.6 (1) 
Revelation 19.11-16 (1) 
Revelation 19.13 (1) 
Revelation 20.4 (1) 
Revelation 21.1-4 (1) 
Revelation 21.6 (3) 
Revelation 21.7 (1) 
Revelation 21.22-22.1 (1) 
Revelation 21.23 (1) 
Revelation 22.13 (3) 
Revelation 22.16 (2) 


These books, written by people from diverse backgrounds, express the simple truth that God is one. Some of them are more scholary while others are more autobiographical. In addition, a few of them are available to read online. If you would like more in depth treatment of christian monotheism, these books are the next step to take. Note: if you know of other books, not listed here, please leave us feedback.

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